This site is our response to everyone who has ever asked us what Russia is like, and for anyone who might have never wondered, but should have. It’s an attempt to put into words Russia as we see it; our go at explaining that big old riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, that in fact, never went away. It’s about understanding the views, opinions and psyche of a nation that hits our headlines daily, without many of us ever really knowing why. And ultimately, it’s about providing a picture of Russia, as seen first-hand by two people, who think that although the journey they’re on to try and understand this country might never end, the process itself is worth sharing.

Saturday 7 March 2009

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

So I'm a little snowed under with work and Katie's out of action with visa problems, so how about a little cultural break away from the doom and gloom of politics. Russia has a photo opportunity hiding round every corner. Here are some that I took over the past month. Hope you enjoy.

Miles of snow, the trans-siberian

Miles of snow, view from the trans-Siberian

Icy kopecks

Fur hats

Fur Hats

Ice fishing

Ice Fishing

A bit nippy

A wee bit nippy


Kelsey said...

The shot of the man on the train is great.

Anonymous said...

Great photos!

Caroline said...

Thanks guys - more to come!